Saturday, January 31, 2009

Present Beliefs about How Learning Takes Place

I believe that learning is constantly taking place. Whether the process or outcome is positive or negative depends on the circumstances. I inform my students about what is required in the curriculum and consult with them about what their interests are and we dialogue about how we are able to meet a consensus or compromise (sometimes) between the two. The content has to be relevant, meaningful and interesting, while the process needs to include tools of the trade like resouces such as people and technology. Effective learning is engaged learning. I am a firm believer that respect and accountability are two values that should always be present in any situation, especially if you are a model for someone. Once we determine what our goal is (what needs to be accomplished)we begin to work on the 'how' we are going to accomplish what we need to learn.

Students need to know that there is a reason for learning. The purpose has to make sense to all involved, although some learners won't personally discover the purpose for some time, even long after the lessons are over.

Communication is key in any learning situation. I tell my students that whether you are the sender or receiver of a message, it is up to the participants to ensure that clarifying questions are asked, that active listening is practiced, that we give an open mind to any differences or revelations that might occur, and to keep the values that we hold as a guide to our life actively
engaged in the present. Ex. Patience, honesty, fairness, commitment

The learners ( all participants and teacher ) all have the right to learn. Each must be able to have a place in a comfortable learning environment, therefore, the onus is on the teacher and students to create a safe place for taking risks, failing, succeeding, and trying again without their emotions going out of control. I would say that setting the stage for learning is as important as what one learns or how one learns. I am always talking about rules in nature, in the classroom and the rules we hold for ourselves. I believe students also need to discover, affirm and confirm the rules and expectations they hold true for themselves so that learning is positive and conducive to their growth.

Students have to be allowed a variety of opportunities that are in part created by the teacher (definition includes anyone with something to share-university trained or not) but also by the student. I believe that opportunities create possibilities for: Partnerships-collaboration; real chances to work on communication techniques that will serve a purpose in the real everyday world; questions; making connections; finding solutions; practice ; implementation and experimentation; contemplation; confidence building or adjustments; or even finding new links to topics that perhaps haven't been discovered yet. When students are able to reframe the way they use to see or think about something and know that they can negotiate and renegotiate concerns,suggestions and strategies for future learning , then I believe that effective learning has occurred and will continue to occur.

Learning a new skill or a new idea is easier or more difficult depending on the level of support and guidance one has. A fair teacher will know that he or she will have to adapt to the student's style of learning, not vice versa. It is a difficult thing to own up to but I personally try to assess how my behaviour or methods of teaching helped or hindered my students' style of learning, especially the students in the last few years who have dropped out or had alot of difficulty.

I believe I am a "guide on the side rather than a sage on the stage" and this helps me as an adult to know and respect the knowledge and skill that the learner brings to the project or learning environment. The awareness of how one learns best is crucial so it is equally important for the teacher to keep trying out and reading about the styles and practices that are different than the ones that hold true for their own learning.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Thoughts for the Thinker

"All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions."Leonardo da Vinci

"The future is not some place we are going to but one we are creating. The paths are not to be
found, but made, and the activity of making them changes both the maker and the destination."
John Schaar, Political Scientist,
University of Santa Clara
Author, Loyalty in America

"The formulation of a problem is often more essential than its solution, which may be merely a
matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advances....."
Albert Einstein

"When the mind is thinking it is talking to itself."

"When we no longer know what to do we have come to our real work and when we no longer know which way to go we have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings."
Wendell Berry

"Too often students begin each new task as if it were being approached for the very first time. Teachers are often dismayed when they invite students to recall how they solved a similar problem previously and students don't remember...Their thinking is what psychologists refer to as an "episodic grasp of reality" (Feuerstein 1980). That is, each event in life is a separate and discrete event with no connections to what may have come before or with no relation to what follows. Furthermore, their learning is so encapsulated that they seem unable to draw forth from one event and apply it in another context."

All quotes are found in

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Advice Needed.

In the Link set up, when it asks for new URL and new title, does that mean I should put my blog URL and my blog title for the link to be created?

How do you upload a video to your blog?


Friday, January 23, 2009

To Blog Or Not...

This is my second effort to create a blog this month.

After reading so many different blogs, I see on the one hand that is an outlet for creativity and on the other hand a medium to share the news/ideologies/teaching practices of millions of 'teachers'.

I know that I would like to put - video clips, voice threads, photos,links, and lessons learned on this blog but I haven't a clue how to do it yet. I know the answer is somewhere in this computer but I have not yet found the "teacher" who teaches the way I learn. I am having to reaccess the way I learn and train myself to practice and think outside of my comfort zone.

In a way, I feel very small and very slow at the keyboard knowing there are billions also doing what I am doing but who are much better at it. I believe I need face to face/ in-person contact and the computer doesn't do that for me , so I am having to reconcile that the behaviour and expectations of a virtual learner are a tad different from my previous learning experiences.

I am enjoying reading the various blogs from people around the world and marvel at how intelligent everyone is. They all seem to be experts. I feel a bit intimidated and am not afraid to say it. I also feel compelled to try this and try that key knowing full well that I may have to start from the beginning/log on again. I don't really know how to do much with the computer but when I do something, I laugh or smile depending on the knowledge learned. I know I am probably doing alot the hard way or long way but when you have yourself to ask, "Now What?", it's either, move on or log off.

I am going to keep reading other blogs and keep plodding along. My parents who are afraid of the computer refer to me as their "techie" which is a huge reason to LOL and keep learning so I can keep sharing and teaching them.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Initial Thoughts

I feel like I am in this vortex now that I have a couple of email addresses, a few dozen memberships in "clubs" like Twitter, Elluminte v-room, Scribd, World Cat, WizQ (something or other) most of which I know very little about but feel encouraged to learn more because I have keyed in as opposed to penned my name to. I have now discovered that the upteen different usernames and passwords have become a blur and my trusty little note book better not get lost or else I'll be up the virtual creek. Simply by admitting this last little blurb (notebook) shows that I'm more of a digital immigrant than anything. I now know that some people have the same info for each membership but my cautious self says if their password ever gets discovered then their whole "life" is up for editing. Be careful A.C.! So for now, I'll continue renewing my password(s) until I discover a better system.

I'm excited, scared, anxious, and overwhelmed by the degrees of feelings that I am experiencing while on this journey of navigating the "net" and all of the byways,shortcuts and linkages. I feel like I have jumped off of this cliff and it's either flap like a lunatic or dive into Neverland. It also feels like my picture I have posted for this blog. My mind is planted on this side of technology but my feet, hands and eyes are realizing and understanding that I must start moving through the obstacles toward a new virtual reality that exists.

For most of my life, I have resisted the ideas of joining the masses in buying into every new aspect of technology that comes along. I thought if I bought a cell phone, computer, flat screen t.v. that I would forget how to live in the present. IF the power every went out , I didn't want to be "shut down" or "out" of the loop.
Now, I see that if I don't keep up, then I will not be able to adequately do my part to help prepare our students to become cooperative,creative collaborators ,communicators, and problem-solvers.