I feel like I am in this vortex now that I have a couple of email addresses, a few dozen memberships in "clubs" like Twitter, Elluminte v-room, Scribd, World Cat, WizQ (something or other) most of which I know very little about but feel encouraged to learn more because I have keyed in as opposed to penned my name to. I have now discovered that the upteen different usernames and passwords have become a blur and my trusty little note book better not get lost or else I'll be up the virtual creek. Simply by admitting this last little blurb (notebook) shows that I'm more of a digital immigrant than anything. I now know that some people have the same info for each membership but my cautious self says if their password ever gets discovered then their whole "life" is up for editing. Be careful A.C.! So for now, I'll continue renewing my password(s) until I discover a better system.
I'm excited, scared, anxious, and overwhelmed by the degrees of feelings that I am experiencing while on this journey of navigating the "net" and all of the byways,shortcuts and linkages. I feel like I have jumped off of this cliff and it's either flap like a lunatic or dive into Neverland. It also feels like my picture I have posted for this blog. My mind is planted on this side of technology but my feet, hands and eyes are realizing and understanding that I must start moving through the obstacles toward a new virtual reality that exists.
For most of my life, I have resisted the ideas of joining the masses in buying into every new aspect of technology that comes along. I thought if I bought a cell phone, computer, flat screen t.v. that I would forget how to live in the present. IF the power every went out , I didn't want to be "shut down" or "out" of the loop.
Now, I see that if I don't keep up, then I will not be able to adequately do my part to help prepare our students to become cooperative,creative collaborators ,communicators, and problem-solvers.
Reading Wish List
Long form reading may be a relic of the past for younger generations in US
society and culture for a variety of reasons, but I still believe in both
the po...
6 days ago
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